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Coping with Stress: A Life Skill You Didn’t Ask For, but Desperately Need

Writer: Phil CalcaraPhil Calcara

Updated: 3 days ago

Stress—our ever-present companion in life’s journey. Whether it’s looming deadlines, family drama, or the sudden realization that you left your phone charger at home, stress is always there, lurking in the background like an unpaid intern taking notes on how close you are to losing it.

The good news? Stress doesn’t have to be your enemy. With a little humor and some questionable coping strategies, you too can master the fine art of barely holding it together. Here’s a funny guide to coping with stress, because if you can’t laugh about it, you’ll probably just cry in the break room again.

Step 1: Breathe (Yes, Seriously)

We get it—“Just breathe” sounds like advice from someone who’s never been stressed in their life. But apparently, taking deep breaths actually works because something-something oxygen, something-something nervous system. Plus, it’s free, doesn’t require a prescription, and you can do it anywhere, even during a meeting when Karen won’t stop talking.

Pro tip: Pair deep breathing with a sarcastic mantra like, “Inhale calm… exhale people’s nonsense.”

Step 2: Take a Break (Before You Break Down)

When life feels overwhelming, taking a break is essential. That said, a break can mean different things depending on your level of stress:

 • Mild stress: A quick coffee break

 • Moderate stress: Watching dog videos on YouTube

 • Severe stress: Googling “how to disappear and live off the grid”

Just don’t let your five-minute break turn into a three-hour scroll through social media, unless your stress is directly related to productivity—in which case, congrats! You’ve found a new source of stress.

Step 3: Exercise (Or Just Put on Workout Clothes and Call It a Day)

Exercise is touted as one of the best ways to cope with stress. Something about endorphins making you happy and helping you forget that your inbox has 742 unread emails. But let’s be real—sometimes just putting on workout clothes and walking around the block counts as a victory.

If actual exercise feels like too much effort, try the “I’m definitely going to work out later” routine:

 1. Put on sneakers.

 2. Do a single stretch.

 3. Sit back down and feel proud of your intentions.

It’s about the thought that counts, right?

Step 4: Eat Your Feelings (Within Reason)

Sometimes, the best way to cope with stress is with snacks. After all, nothing says “I’m fine” like eating an entire family-size bag of chips alone in your kitchen at midnight. Sure, emotional eating might not solve your problems, but it’ll distract you long enough to pretend they don’t exist.

Pro tip: Keep a stash of stress snacks nearby, but balance it out with something healthy. That way, when someone says, “Are you stress-eating again?”, you can confidently reply, “It’s called balanced coping, look it up.”

Step 5: Laugh It Off (Even If You’re Dying Inside)

Laughter is nature’s stress relief—because nothing says “coping” like laughing at your own impending doom. When things feel particularly dire, watch a funny video, read a hilarious meme, or text your funniest friend (not the one who responds with “omg same” and turns it into a misery contest).

If laughing doesn’t solve the problem, at least it’ll delay your breakdown for another 10 minutes, which is basically a win.

Step 6: Make a To-Do List (Then Ignore Half of It)

To-do lists are great stress relievers—until you look at your list and realize you’ve written down more tasks than you could complete in a lifetime. The trick is to make a list, prioritize the important stuff, and then calmly ignore everything that doesn’t matter.

Here’s a helpful categorization system:

 • Must do today: (Aka “the world ends if I don’t”)

 • Can do tomorrow: (Aka “I’ll pretend I forgot”)

 • Never actually doing: (Aka “Why did I write this down?”)

Bonus: Cross off a few things you already did just to feel productive. Yes, “woke up” counts.

Step 7: Cry, but Make It Productive

Crying gets a bad rap, but honestly, sometimes you just need a good sob session. Think of it as emotional detox—it’s like clearing out your inbox, but for your soul. Afterward, you’ll feel lighter, refreshed, and slightly dehydrated.

Just make sure to cry in the right places, like your car or shower, and avoid public meltdowns unless you’re really going for dramatic flair.

Step 8: Accept That Stress Is Inevitable (But You’re Stronger Than You Think)

Here’s the thing about stress: it’s always going to be there. Whether it’s work, family, or that one sock you keep losing in the laundry, life is full of stressors. But you? You’re tougher than you realize. You’ve survived 100% of your worst days so far, and that’s pretty impressive.

Accepting that stress is part of life doesn’t mean giving up—it means knowing you can handle it, even if your method involves snacks, sarcasm, and questionable breathing exercises.

Conclusion: You’re Doing Great (Sort Of)

Coping with stress isn’t about becoming a zen master or eliminating all your problems—it’s about finding ways to survive with your sanity (mostly) intact. Whether that means laughing at life’s absurdity, eating your weight in ice cream, or quietly muttering “I’m fine” to yourself while frantically typing an overdue email, remember: you’ve got this.

And if all else fails, just take a deep breath, grab a snack, and scroll through some memes. It’s basically therapy, but cheaper.



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